Diuretic for weight loss

diuretic tea for weight loss

Using a diuretic for weight loss is a fad that came from sports. Thus, athletes sometimes "enter" a lower weight category to be stronger than their rivals there. And everyone knows perfectly well that pills or teas do not burn any fat, and if you exceed the dose, then instead of competing, you can end up in the hospital, under a dropper with a drug for dehydration and seizures. But in sports other criteria - victory is often more important than health. But why is it for ordinary women? It is no secret that the female body tends to retain and accumulate fluids on certain days of the cycle, such is nature. A few days after ovulation, almost everyone experiences problems with swelling. If, in addition, there is an extra layer of fat, the appearance can be significantly upset. They usually try to use a diuretic herb for weight loss these days and there are methods that are relatively safe for health, and there are some that no one should use.

What weight loss diuretic to choose?

The best diuretic for weight loss is ordinary green tea. In addition to eliminating edema, it speeds up metabolism due to its thermogenic (warming) effect and promotes fat burning. A cup of tea is also a good option to dull your appetite. Its natural taste gently suppresses the desire for sugar and promotes faster satiety. The antioxidant-rich composition of green tea is a real find for those who want to maintain physical activity, good mood and mental acuity, despite dietary restrictions.

Brew green tea for diuretic effect should be 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 cup of water at a temperature slightly lower than boiling water (leave the brewed teapot to stand 2-4 minutes). Drink up to 5 glasses (150-200 ml) per day. Contraindications for use - heart disease, kidney disease, gastritis in the acute phase. Pregnant women can drink this drink, but be sure to consult a doctor.

herbal diuretic tea for weight loss

The second diuretic for weight loss by nature itself is plain water. Drink 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight, constantly, throughout the day and limit salt to 5 g per day (do not add salt to food during cooking, but add spices to the plate and, where possible, replace with lemon juice). The problem will "dissolve" itself after a few weeks of such a regime.

Rare diuretic fees for weight loss

Everyone already knows about the leaves of cranberries, birch buds, bearberry and the orthosyphon collection. But has anyone tried to eliminate the swelling and at the same time get extra vitamin C for better recovery? You can prepare simple and healthy fees with a mild but pronounced diuretic effect:

  • 20 g of blackcurrant leaves, 10 g of wild rose, 5 g of blueberry leaves, boil 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. At this time, squeeze the lemon juice, strain the collection, add the juice, drink 1 at lunch, half in the morning, half before dinner, half an hour before meals;
  • 10 g of chamomile flowers and 10 g of cranberry leaves, prepare as indicated in the previous recipe, consume 3 servings before meals, the last "drink" should be made no later than 4 hours before bedtime, so as not tointerferes with sleep;
  • fresh cranberry juice, 200 ml, diluted with 200 ml of mineral water, add lemon juice, drink in one gulp. 100 ml before each main meal.

Important:The use of all diuretic herbs, fees, teas and medicines requires attention to the condition of the body. These days you should not lift heavy weights, run for endurance and engage in active martial arts, as well as go to the bath and sauna. These actions will not help you "merge" faster, but can only provoke convulsions, so it is better not to take risks and spend the day more passively. Participate in low-intensity aerobics, no more than 45minutes a day, stretch or plan to take the drug on a day other than fitness.

On the day you drink diuretic tea for weight loss, you can not:

  • use ordinary teas and coffee, they also have a diuretic effect, all together can cause damage to the body and provoke loss of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle;
  • I drink alcohol. It will not be possible for a long time, about 72 hours after the end of the day, when a diuretic was taken to lose weight. Alcohol "dries up" even more and almost everyone who drinks a diuretic before a party will sooner or later experience cramps. They are far from harmless, as they can cause breathing and heart problems;
  • chicory drink, including powder. Chicory itself is a diuretic for weight loss. Drink half a glass before meals, not only to reduce appetite, but also to remove excess fluid;
  • drink your sports fat burner, ephedra preparations, diet supplements for weight loss from the pharmacy, everything that contains extracts of bearberry, birch buds, linden, chamomile, including various cough syrups. All of the above acts as a synergist for diuretics and causes severe dehydration;
  • stay in the sun for a long time, for example, lie on the beach and even a visit to the solarium is not recommended. If a diuretic is drunk for some kind of outing or beauty contest, it is better to prefer a salon tan;
  • take green juices with celery, cucumber and dill.

If the diuretic herb for weight loss did not help!

Radicals will immediately grab diuretic weight loss pills. Drugs, of course, will cause a person to "drain" a few liters of fluid, but they are even more unhealthy than herbal medicines. Take these pills only for medical reasons. Fortunately, for aesthetics, they are still not useful - 12-16 hours after taking it "floods" with revenge, and the swelling becomes visible not only on the body but also on the face.

First of all, herbs may not help if there are objective health problems with the kidneys. Swelling has been tormenting for a long time, and salty has not been included in the diet for several months? Urgently to a nephrologist. Do you also have discomfort in the sternum, or swelling occurs the day after attending aerobics? At the cardiologist. In any case, it is not necessary to make a diagnosis on the Internet, visit a general practitioner for a referral.

Swelling is typical of menopause and, unfortunately, in this case diuretic herbs for weight loss do not help for long. It makes sense to consult a gynecologist about natural phytoestrogens, they can help correct the problem. And the popular diuretic for weight loss in this case is a decoction of hop cones (a tablespoon of raw materials per 300 ml of water, leave for 20 minutes).

How to stop taking diuretic diet pills?

All this is great, but if a person has taken herbs to remove fluids systematically and for a long time, has already studied well the names of diuretic diet pills and does not leave the pharmacy without a pack of drugs, it is worth seriously considering.

Diuretic pills for weight loss, or rather their constant use, can be symptoms of severe personality disorders, eating disorders, bordering on mental disorders. Pay attention if:

  • taking pills is not due to medical indications, but begins on the advice of a friend or on their own;
  • no one sees the swelling except the one taking the pill, including her husband, mother and closest friends. But to herself the girl looks like a ball full of water;
  • the size of the clothing does not exceed 50, a person is objectively slightly overweight or not overweight at all, but all his thoughts are focused on weight loss, pills, "leakage" and appearance;
  • at least once in my life there was a situation when due to a laxative or diuretic for weight loss I had to take a break from school or work or cancel things;
  • there is a desire to be weak at all costs, health conversations are perceived as whining to some elderly grandmothers or moralizing a class teacher;
  • all this is accompanied by diet, bad mood, real self-hatred and one can no longer get out of this circle, although he understands that the pills are harmful to health.

First of all, you have to accept that weight loss diuretics have already become an addiction that you will have to get rid of in the name of your own health. And also with the fact that this has nothing to do with the desire to be beautiful, or rather it is caused by real self-hatred.

There are many ways to get rid of addiction. Someone turns to a psychologist in the name of recovery, someone just has to tell a close friend about the problem. Someone writes to-do lists and is strictly controlled, simply forbidding himself to buy and accept. In any case, you need to give up the pill addiction. Changing your lifestyle will also help.

How to replace diuretic herbs for weight loss?

Fortunately, fluid retention can be dealt with in simple and healthy ways. To begin with, you should include in your diet 1 serving of simple garden vegetables (suitable are parsley, dill, green onions) per day. Then - bring the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed to 6-8 servings per day. Eliminate fast food, all beverages other than green tea and water for a while, and increase your protein intake. Swelling is often caused by the fact that we prefer to eat candy rather than chop and refuse protein to save calories.

Adjusting your diet to a healthy one allows you to completely abandon diuretics. Try it, it will definitely work.